Monday, September 20, 2010

and who says arabs dont have rock songs?

this is UTN1 (Unknown To No One), a band from Iraq. I have been loving their songs, right from Lughat Al Ayn. This is another spectrum of their music. They go rock this time round. And I like!!!

PS: Shant, my favourite member from this band, the drummer, is super-sexy this time round. Never mind if he has more white-hair then black-hair. And he's only 30. Hahahaha...!!!

Ilal liqaa...!!

Monday, September 6, 2010

sayang orang jangan melampao, tak tau bila dia bole jadik kebencian kita...

learnt this a long time ago. that's why im quite guarded in giving all ma love to anyone. say im weird, oh yes, im weird.

just saw a bugger's status in fb. penuh dengan maki2an. batal posa aku membaca-nya. then you all will say, "kau pun ngumpat per!" tapi korang tak tau sapa dia kan? and i wont tell too! my lips are sewn together, literally, AND i have scars on my lip to prove that! mwahahahahaha!!!

dia maki2an kan matair, eh salah, ex-matair dia. come on lah. isnt this the person u used to love? the one whom you kept praising "you're my life, no one is comparable to you and God must have been so kind to send me you" and those bullshit. and the amount of 'meleseh' photos you uploaded in your albums. i nearly puked at some, not because i'm jealous, but becoz you said, you wanted a partner who is a wanita muslimah sejati. yah, like real.

now dah break, makin sakit mata aku. i really want to kick you out of my fb, but susat lah kan, you are family. nanti ditanya pulak, "asal tendang aku?" i dowan to lie lah eh. i would have to tell you the truth then. but then, nanti perang mahabharat macamana? nanti sapa yang salah? AKU JUGAK....

that's why i say, no need to love anyone sampai jiwa dan raga diserahkan demi sayang yang tak terhingga kat anyone. even orang dah kawin pun bole cerai, so tak yah nak act lah kalao diri tu dah ada matair. nari sayang, love, mohabbat, pyar, wo ai ni... Besok break, mcm the end of the world.

maybe this is the reason why im still not attached. aku takot dok nak sayang kat sapa2. aku ni kat luar je mcm durian, kat dlm mcm kapas. besok2 dia break my heart, macam mana? wait i break his head how? sapa susah? AKU JUGAK....

no lah, jokes aside. i know we all have love in us. i love a lot of people too. but janganlah melampao-lampao sayang kat orang sampai bila dah tak sayang lagik, jadik mcm orang giler takde agama. renung-renungkanlah ehk?

criter ini takde kene mengena dengan yang idop ataupun yang mati. cuma ada kene-mengena dengan maknusia sekor yang baru putus cintan tu je.

and i really hope dia baca blog aku ni. or better still, pm him/her with this link. mwahahahaha...!!!

ilal liqaa'