skrg ni tengah kecoh kan pasal si makcik sitt al-wuzara yang sedap hati dia je menghina Islam dengan gambar2 dia yang siap diADOBE PHOTOSHOPkan... ada page kat facebook lagik, dicategorykan sebagai public figure.
i was shocked and angry upon seeing the photos and the captions. nak baca pun segan, macam kita pulak yang memberi suara kepada captions dia tuh... i didnt have the heart to view all. i just went to the end of the page, and click on 'report this page'... i hope you people do the same...
We can get angry and comment all the swear words on her page. but no, don't do that. Just think of how Rasulullah PBUH would handle this if this happened during his time. Dia akan mengangkat tangan dan berdoa that this person be given hidayah and the chance to repent for all the wrongdoings she has done. Truthfully like my dear friend said, sapa kita untuk menghukum dia? Biarkan dia jawab soalan dia sendiri.
And I have a feeling, the more we kutuk her, the more she will retaliate and post up more biadap pictures. Astaghfirullahal azim... And I also have a tingling feeling that she's not even a makcik. Pandai betul makcik main photoshop. Aku sendiri tak pandai2 ngan photoshop. but maybe dia makcik modern lah. talent that goes to waste, ni lah dia...
If she's a Muslim: She must have had tests by Allah and upon not being able to handle them, got angry and with syaitan playing it's part, she becomes like this...
If she's a Kafir: She just wants to create anger among us Muslims. Kadang2, orang kafir ni lagik pandai dalam bidang agama Islam berbanding dengan orang Islam tu sendiri. Cuma dorang tak nak beriman je kepada Allah... They know dosa and pahala. They know how to ignite anger in us. And without knowing, in the quest to defend Allah and Rasul, we might fall into their trap while they succeed in getting the anger out of us. They will never want to stop trapping Muslims to do sins without knowing.
Or, she's just thirsty for cheap publicity or just wants to be famous the easy way. Nak senang kat dunia, hah jawablah kau kat akhirat nanti.
So we don't angry, just report the page. And sama2 kita doakan dia kembali ke pangkal jalan dan bertaubat sebelum terlambat.
Just my views... I may have used the wrong words and may not be the best writer... But I hope I got my points across. I apologize for any mistakes.