Sunday, February 28, 2010

geylang sipaku geylang... and good cheap western food...

i cabotz out of work today for a while to meet Ammi at Geylang. She wanted to get some things. And since on Saturday, we wanna go chill at nenek's house, and Sunday is a duduk melengkar macam ular day for us se-family, so today it is.

Geylang on a weekday is not like Geylang on weekends. Pretty lengang lah compared to the hustle and bustle of the weekend crowd. You can even change parking space at Tanjong Katong every 10 minutes and you still have lots more parking space to cover mwahahahaha...!!! Kalao weekend, nak dpt satu parking lot, macam nak gi perang.

Oh. Anyway, I forgot to bring the camera. How silly. I must be having a super-gonggong day. Yun and NO CAMERA..???!!! MUSTAHIL...!! (cue dialogue: "hari ni hari bodoh saya tuan!")

But anyway, 1st stop Tanjong Katong. I literally went crazy (not that im not crazy, i know), at First Lady tudung section. You know they selling cheap-cheap tudungs right? They were selling shaylas!! 2 for $5.90. TAK KE GILER TUH!!?? Im a sucker for shaylas. If I had known they had started selling those pretty things, I would have rummaged my wardrobe the day before and take note of the bajus which has no tudungs to go with them hik hik hik. These shaylas very pretty, with donno what batu/shiny things at the rims. and since they were quite jarang, I bought the tudung dalam too. You know the easy tudung, where you just sarung and tadaaa...!! Mesti jembu kan Miss Yun wearing them (ok people, cue: MUNTAAAAAAAAAH.....!!).

Next stop, Joo Chiat. Abba kirim supplement Habbatus Sauda kat kedai jamu. My family swear by that supplement. Oh yes, one day must write blog abt Habbatus Sauda. With a hadith Nabi accompanying the supplement, I'll gladly eat that rather than any other drug-gy supplement. Hadith goes as this - Habbatus Sauda, ubat penyembuh segala penyakit melainkan maut. MasyaAllah. I see a lot of improvement in me after consuming that, Alhamdulillah. Cuma kadang2 kalao penyakit nak datang, tak leh elak lah kan. Penyakit datang pun pencuci dosa, betol tak?

And the sister kirim tudung also at Joo Chiat. My sis is the tudung-masuk (aka easy-tudung) fan. She not like me, brooch here brooch there, until tudung oso lobang2 asek kene cocok byk kali hik hik hik.

Next up, Pasar Geylang. Ammi wanted to get her sarung lengan there. I tried wearing sarung lengan before, but I kind of get irritated by them. Tak tau lah kenapa hehehehe... Belum serasi lah gaknyer. Hehehhee..!!

And then, it's makan time. It was lunch hour but Pasar Geylang kedai makan is quite deserted. So we had all the time in the world to choose our makan and tempat duduk. We settled for western food this time.

And COME HERE COME ALL, I wanna make a makan review as well. When you go to Pasar Geylang and is in of good western food, please do get your fix at #02-142. There's this western food stall which is simply named "Western Food". And when we came to order, there's this malay abang, a very friendly one, greeting us chirpily. Ammi wanted to eat spaghetti and I wanted to eat grilled fish. And so we ordered.

This is it, the spaghetti bolognaise, $4.50.

Here it is, the grilled fish with mushroom sauce, $5.50.

(sorry for the not good picture quality, never bring camera mah. so must rely on 3.2mp hp camera heh.)
IT WAS A GOOD CHEAP WESTERN FOOD LUNCH. Wa tak bedek. Spaghetti was nicely done. Not too sour. Fish was nicely grilled. The coleslaw blew me away. You know some coleslaw tastes so mayonnaise-y that at the end of it, you feel very muak? This one had just the right amount of mayonnaise and the vege were just abt the correct texture.

I feel happy when I eat a good meal. And I washed that down with Green Tea. Oh yes, I love Pokka Green Tea.

Then after a few good burps and smiling faces, we had to make our way. As we were leaving, the abang greeted us again. "Ok dik. Terima kasih dik, datang lagi." And as usual, aku kan muka tak tau malu, I turned and said, "makanan sedap ah, mesti saya datang lagik." Abang senyum sampai kat telinga dokkkkk... Next time must take photo of the shop and the abang. Kasi kedai abang popular. Korang rasa dia bagik aku commission tak? Mwahahahaha...!!

And then, I went back to office and Ammi went home. The heat was sweltering and I was sweating buckets. Happy dapat masuk office with the aircon full blast and nearly snoozed away mwahahahaha...!!!

Ok dokssss... Till my next write...!!

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