Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem...
i saw an article in fb abt hejab, a friend of a friend shared it. it was a good read. and yes, it set me thinking. so i shared it with my friends. here's the article. i think you gotta sign in to fb to view it.
as soon as i shared it, i realised, ok then what if we do really have long hair. long thick hair, and no matter how we try to minimize the bun, it's still visible and people will sure know that the hair is long. will we fall into the 'dilaknat Allah' (Naudzubillah) category?
ok 1st thing 1st, kenapa kita pakai hejab/tudung? pukul rata, sumer org will say, oh pasal nak tutup aurat. tutup aurat tu apa? tang mana tu aurat? aurat wanita, yang tak perlu ditutup, ialah wajah and tapak tangan, correct? don't ask me about why some women wear niqab. that one different category already lah... hehehe...!
is that all? wajah and tapak tangan? have we missed out on anything here? yes, i think we did. tutup aurat also means that we cannot wear see-through/transparent clothings, we cannot wear tight/figure-hugging till can see the bentuk badan clothings. in short, what we wear shouldn't attract eyes to look at us i.e not attention-seeking.
and as with the article, it talks about tying up the hair in a way that people will know there's a head full of long hair underneath the hejab/tudung. and yes, that beats the purpose of being a hijabi. being a hijabi means you are to avoid all straying eyes to you.
but then you will say, pakai tudung per, mana bole attract orang? that's where this hadith takes place. kita pakai tudung, but cara kita pakai tudung tuh, APA NIAT KITA? betul ke setakat nak tutup aurat? atau nak menunjuk bonjolan rambut kita? atau nak tunjuk mahal mana tudung kita? atau nak tunjuk cantik berkilat mana brooch kita?
hah, kat sini baru lah kita faham apa maksud hadith tuh... ikut secara logic, memanglah kalao rambut dah panjang, kita ikat mcm mana pun, still people will know we have long hair. correct? but again, here, everything falls into niat. like the article said, tudung syria memang gaya pakainya must go alongwith a very high bun. so nak tak nak, because of fashion, we are falling into the category of woman showing off their hair, even though the hair is being unseen.
but the thing with hijab, i believe, if we wear it proper, and the main niat is to cover our aurah PROPERLY, InshaAllah, we will be among the women who protect their modesty. the thing that we want to avoid is being an unproper hijabi.
be it tudung syria, tudung turkey or even tudung singapore, the main thing is wear it properly and modestly. we wear hijab but still people will come up to us with, "your hair long ah?" question, we cant help it, can we? but there is always 2 sides to a coin. did we show the bun intentionally? if yes, then this is something we need to change. but if we just couldnt hide that big bun, and our intention was never showing off the bun in the 1st place, Allah knows best. He knows where our niat is, Inshallah.
i speak to myself before i speak to you.
forgive me if i've said things that have hurt your feelings.
yang baik dari Allah, yang buruk dari kesilapanku sendiri.
till next time...
ilal liqaa'...!!
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