Monday, September 5, 2011

my two celebrities at home...

i have two celebrities at home now. They fascinate the guests coming to my house this Eid. I brought in Nila 1st and then I brought in Azrak. I brought in Nila, coz he has such a pretty tail... Then I brought in Azrak coz I thought it would be fun seeing Nila and Azrak flaring their tails at each other.

Introducing Nila and Azrak. My two Siamese Betta fighting fish. Both males, both hate the sight of each other and if they are put in the same tank, they would fight to death. Nila is another name for the colour "Blue" in Malay. And Azrak is "Blue" in Arabic.

I wrote about Nila the other day. And then, a day later I bought Azrak. I put them in the same tank with a divider. Then a while later, Nila looked sick. He didn't want to swim to the surface, instead he preferred to sink to the bottom. That got me worried. Coz personally I like Nila more. Then I did my research. And I realised my mistake.

Bettas are very sensitive to change in water temperature and chlorine. When I filled up the tank with tap water, I forgot to leave it at room temperature 1st and didn't drop it anti-chlorine solution before putting both of them in. Azrak was the more adaptive one. Nila looked like he was gonna die. I quickly shifted both of them out into another container, clean their tank, put drops of anti-chlorine and left the water to set to room temperature before putting them both in.

Alhamdulillah, both are doing fine now. Although Nila still prefer to go to the surface once in a while, I think it's becoz he has a very heavy tail. Azrak is the more active one. Put a finger on the side of the tank, he will come banging his face on the wall of the tank. I think he is a very good candidate to train to jump out of the water to get his food. But I dont think I will want to train him that way. Manalah tau, satu hari I ask my mum to feed them and out jumps Azrak. Dengan mak aku skali, terlompat. Hahahaha...!!

They do flare their tails at each other once a while and I'm pretty sure Azrak will win a dominant fight if they are put together coz he is the more aggressive one. But it's ok, I won't let them fight each other. Both are my darlings. The last time I had a betta, I didn't know how to take care of it till its death. I'm still sorry for that. Now I will make sure I take care of these two coz they are my babies. And I talk to them when I wake up and before going to sleep. I think they know my voice already coz they will keep still when I talk to them hahaha...!!

With proper care, bettas can live up to 3 years. I hope I can be a good 'mother' to them. And I will miss them like crazy when I start work tomorow... Haiyah, the pain of separation. *sob, sob*

Ok lah, till next time when I write again. Take care, sweet lovelies.

Ilal Liqaa...'!!

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